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Take On Lent: Sacred Ground Saturdays Saturday March 8 2025 at 9:30 AM


Sacred Ground uses films and readings to focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories. It also explores America’s history of race and racism, weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity, which seems particularly relevant during this current political climate. Participants are expected to commit to attending all 11 weeks of the program. The first five meetings in Lent will be in person as part of our Take on Lent programming and migrate to zoom for the remainder of the program.

Take On Lent: Weekly Dinner Together (Limited Tickets Available) Tuesday March 11 2025 at 6:00 PM

× Register here for weekly dinners during Take On Lent
NOTE: If you select the option to pay at the door, we can accept cash or check each week ($20 per person, payable to WNC).
We are unable to accept credit card or electonic payments at the door.
5 pm: Choral Evensong
6 pm: Dinner & libations in Bethlehem Chapel
7 pm: Classes begin

Take On Lent | Early Christian Legacy: The Council of Nicaea and the Nicene Tuesday March 11 2025 at 7:00 PM

× With theological debates igniting passions and controversies, the Council of Nicaea sought to untangle and clarify the intricate mysteries of the faith. It culminated in the creation of the Nicene Creed, a powerful declaration of belief that has resonated through the centuries.

As we mark the 1700th anniversary of this historic moment, this course invites you into a captivating exploration of early Christianity—its passionate struggles, its profound insights, and the birth of a creed that continues to pulse at the center of our worship. Delve deep into the theological legacy of Nicaea and discover how its timeless truths resonate in our lives today.

Take On Lent: Biblical Stories of Exile Tuesday March 11 2025 at 7:00 PM

× March 11 - Dr. Michael Francis
Scripture: Acts 6:8-9:19
Bio: Michael Francis is Assistant Professor of New Testament at Catholic University. Born and raised in Wales, he earned his PhD at the University of Notre Dame. He teaches courses in all areas of the New Testament, and his current research is focused on the letters of Paul, Hebrews, and the works of Philo of Alexandria.

Take On Lent: Inquirers' Class (Limited Tickets Available) Tuesday March 11 2025 at 7:00 PM

× Registration for all 5 sessions of the Inquirers' Class.
Session Dates: Tuesdays Mar 11, Mar 18, Mar 25, Apr 1, Apr 8
You will receive an automatically generated confirmation email upon successful registration. Within a few days, you will be contacted via email by the Vicar's Office with more information on course preparation.

Take On Lent: Register for all 5 weekly dinners Tuesday March 11 2025 at 7:00 PM

× Register here for all five weekly Take On Lent dinners at once.
NOTE: If you select the option to pay at the door, we can accept cash or check each week ($20 per person, payable to WNC)
We are unable to accept credit card or electonic payments at the door.
5 pm: Choral Evensong
6 pm: Dinner & libations in Bethlehem Chapel
7 pm: Classes begin

Take On Lent: Sacred Ground Tuesdays Tuesday March 11 2025 at 7:10 PM


Sacred Ground uses films and readings to focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories. It also explores America’s history of race and racism, weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity, which seems particularly relevant during this current political climate. Participants are expected to commit to attending all 11 weeks of the program. The first five meetings in Lent will be in person as part of our Take on Lent programming and migrate to zoom for the remainder of the program.

Take On Lent: Weekly Dinner Together Tuesday March 18 2025 at 6:00 PM

× Register here for weekly dinners during Take On Lent
NOTE: If you select the option to pay at the door, we can accept cash or check each week ($20 per person, payable to WNC)
We are unable to accept credit card or electonic payments at the door.
5 pm: Choral Evensong
6 pm: Dinner & libations in Bethlehem Chapel
7 pm: Classes begin

Take On Lent | Early Christian Legacy: The Council of Nicaea and the Nicene Tuesday March 18 2025 at 7:00 PM

× With theological debates igniting passions and controversies, the Council of Nicaea sought to untangle and clarify the intricate mysteries of the faith. It culminated in the creation of the Nicene Creed, a powerful declaration of belief that has resonated through the centuries.

As we mark the 1700th anniversary of this historic moment, this course invites you into a captivating exploration of early Christianity—its passionate struggles, its profound insights, and the birth of a creed that continues to pulse at the center of our worship. Delve deep into the theological legacy of Nicaea and discover how its timeless truths resonate in our lives today.

Take On Lent: Biblical Stories of Exile Tuesday March 18 2025 at 7:00 PM

× March 18 - Dr. Carla Swafford Works
Scripture: Revelation
Bio: Dr. Carla Swafford Works (Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary) is Dean and Woodrow and Mildred Miller Professor of Biblical Theology at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC, where she has taught New Testament since 2009. Her research interests encompass the Pauline epistles, the New Testament’s use of Israel’s scriptures, biblical ethics, and theological interpretation.

Take On Lent: Weekly Dinner Together Tuesday March 25 2025 at 6:00 PM

× Register here for weekly dinners during Take On Lent
NOTE: If you select the option to pay at the door, we can accept cash or check each week ($20 per person, payable to WNC)
We are unable to accept credit card or electonic payments at the door.
5 pm: Choral Evensong
6 pm: Dinner & libations in Bethlehem Chapel
7 pm: Classes begin

Take On Lent | Early Christian Legacy: The Council of Nicaea and the Nicene Tuesday March 25 2025 at 7:00 PM

× With theological debates igniting passions and controversies, the Council of Nicaea sought to untangle and clarify the intricate mysteries of the faith. It culminated in the creation of the Nicene Creed, a powerful declaration of belief that has resonated through the centuries.

As we mark the 1700th anniversary of this historic moment, this course invites you into a captivating exploration of early Christianity—its passionate struggles, its profound insights, and the birth of a creed that continues to pulse at the center of our worship. Delve deep into the theological legacy of Nicaea and discover how its timeless truths resonate in our lives today.

Take On Lent: Biblical Stories of Exile Tuesday March 25 2025 at 7:00 PM

× March 25 - The Rev. Dr. Judy Fentress-Williams
Scripture: Ruth
Bio: Judy Fentress-Williams is in bi-vocational ministry in Alexandria, VA as the Dodge Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Virginia Theological Seminary and the Scholar in Residence at the Alfred Street Baptist Church. Dr. Fentress-Williams received her Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible from Yale University in 1999. She earned her M.Div. from Yale Divinity School in 1990 and her A.B. in English from Princeton University in 1984 with certificates in African-American Studies and American Studies. Dr. Fentress-Williams’ published work reflects her interest in a literary approach that highlights the multiple voices in scripture.

Take On Lent: Weekly Dinner Together Tuesday April 1 2025 at 6:00 PM

× Register here for weekly dinners during Take On Lent
NOTE: If you select the option to pay at the door, we can accept cash or check each week ($20 per person, payable to WNC)
We are unable to accept credit card or electonic payments at the door.
5 pm: Choral Evensong
6 pm: Dinner & libations in Bethlehem Chapel
7 pm: Classes begin

Take On Lent | Early Christian Legacy: The Council of Nicaea and the Nicene Tuesday April 1 2025 at 7:00 PM

× With theological debates igniting passions and controversies, the Council of Nicaea sought to untangle and clarify the intricate mysteries of the faith. It culminated in the creation of the Nicene Creed, a powerful declaration of belief that has resonated through the centuries.

As we mark the 1700th anniversary of this historic moment, this course invites you into a captivating exploration of early Christianity—its passionate struggles, its profound insights, and the birth of a creed that continues to pulse at the center of our worship. Delve deep into the theological legacy of Nicaea and discover how its timeless truths resonate in our lives today.

Take On Lent: Biblical Stories of Exile Tuesday April 1 2025 at 7:00 PM

× April 1 - The Rev. Dr. Ron Hopson
Scripture: Jeremiah
Bio: Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Hopson is a Professor of Psychology and Professor of Pastoral Care at Howard University. He holds a joint appointment in the Department of Psychology and the School of Divinity. He is a licensed Clinical Psychologist in Washington, D.C. He teaches courses on Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, the Psychology of Religion, Pastoral Care, and Sexuality and Race. He is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and has served in pastoral positions in churches in the Washington, D.C. area.

Take On Lent: Weekly Dinner Together Tuesday April 8 2025 at 6:00 PM

× Register here for weekly dinners during Take On Lent
NOTE: If you select the option to pay at the door, we can accept cash or check each week ($20 per person, payable to WNC)
We are unable to accept credit card or electonic payments at the door.
5 pm: Choral Evensong
6 pm: Dinner & libations in Bethlehem Chapel
7 pm: Classes begin

Take On Lent | Early Christian Legacy: The Council of Nicaea and the Nicene Tuesday April 8 2025 at 7:00 PM

× With theological debates igniting passions and controversies, the Council of Nicaea sought to untangle and clarify the intricate mysteries of the faith. It culminated in the creation of the Nicene Creed, a powerful declaration of belief that has resonated through the centuries.

As we mark the 1700th anniversary of this historic moment, this course invites you into a captivating exploration of early Christianity—its passionate struggles, its profound insights, and the birth of a creed that continues to pulse at the center of our worship. Delve deep into the theological legacy of Nicaea and discover how its timeless truths resonate in our lives today.

Take On Lent: Biblical Stories of Exile Tuesday April 8 2025 at 7:00 PM

× April 8 - The Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas
Scripture: Genesis 16 (Hagar)
Bio: The Rev. Kelly Brown Douglas, Ph.D. is currently the visiting professor of Theology at Harvard Divinity School. From 2017 to 2023, she was Dean of the Episcopal Divinity School at Union Theological Seminary and Professor of Theology. She was named the Bill and Judith Moyers Chair in Theology at Union in November 2019 where she is now Dean emeritus. She served as interim Dean of the Episcopal Divinity School from 2023-2024. During the 2023 fall term, she served as Honorary Professor of Global Theology at Emmanuel Theological College in Liverpool, England.
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