
Sunday May 19 2024 at 4:00 PM

Trusting the First Warmth of Spring: An Online Program

As spring deepend, join us for an online workshop exploring the practice of Eco Divina, the close observation of the world around us. Learn how poets such as Mary Oliver, Basho, and others have been inspired to find hope in the landscape around them and discover the seeds of hope your own surroundings may be offering you this season.

Pre-registration is required. Registration will close at noon on April 20. A Zoom link will be sent to you 24 hours, and again 2 hours before the program. If you do not receive the program link email, please check your Spam folder or email

About our program leader . . .
Dr. Terri Lynn Simpson is a writer, retreat leader, and the coordinator for the Center for Prayer and Pilgrimage at Washington National Cathedral. Celtic spirituality is her path, writing is her practice, and inviting people into thin places where they may share their stories and experience the presence of the Holy is her work. In addition to having a graduate degree in theology and a doctorate in Spirituality and Story, Terri is a long-time student of Celtic spirituality. Grounded in the three-fold practices of prayer, pilgrimage, and poetry, she weaves strands of these Celtic influences into the retreats, pilgrimages and workshops she leads in the US and in the UK for churches, healing ministries, women’s groups, and faith based non-profit organizations.